Monday, January 28, 2008

Chapter 29: The Task at Hand

~ The green glow from Väinämöinen's staff grew and spilled out around them, lighting a small clearing. In the middle, set on a low white base at least eight feet to a side, stood a marble pedestal holding a marble basin. As the light washed over it, a fire sprang up in the basin, further lighting the bower.

"Are you prepared to complete your task?" asked Väinämöinen. His voice was cold. Jaden looked at Takyle and Andrew.

"Yes, we're ready," he said, sounding confident. Väinämöinen raised his staff and tilted it towards the platform. At the base of the pedestal the air shimmered and two short lengths of rope materialized. Väinämöinen spoke.

"As you will have no doubt noticed, these two ropes are not the same diameter throughout, neither are they the same length. They both burn at constantly changing rates. The one thing that they do have in common is that they both will take exactly one half of an hour to burn. You will find your watches with the rest of your equipment, should you make it back there." Jaden and Andrew compulsively checked their wrists and, sure enough, their watches were gone.

"Alright," said Takyle. "What are we supposed to do?"

"You are to find a way to measure exactly 45 minutes. You have but one chance. Do not waste it." And after that parting message, with a swirl of his cloak, Väinämöinen disappeared.

"I wish he'd stop doing that!" said Andrew.

"Maybe if you asked him nicely next time you see him?" Jaden offered.

"Yes, 'Väinämöinen, old bean, I know that you're a wizard and all, and the whole beaming in and out of places must be incredibly handy, but slightly disconcerting to those around you, especially when you don't give them much chance to ask you things and whatnot before you go, so if you don't mind terribly-'" Takyle interrupted brusquely.

"You two need to stop dicking around, we've got something to do here."

"Yes ma'am," said Andrew in his best meek voice. Jaden snorted in a failed attempt not to laugh and Takyle shot them a glare. They both quickly sobered up. She stepped up on the platform and picked up one of the ropes.

"We're supposed to time 45 minutes, with two ropes that burn half an hour each, and a basin of fire..."

"We could let one burn half way..." Jaden began, but stopped himself when he remembered that neither of the ropes burned at a constant rate. Half way would mean nothing. Takyle sat down on the edge of the platform and stared at the ropes in front of her.

"Talk it out guys, what are you thinking?" she prompted. Andrew paced the clearing.

"The two of them if attached would give us one hour of burn time."

"And," joined in Jaden. "We need three quarters of the total time."

"Half of one is 15..." mused Takyle.

The three lapsed into silence.

"This can't be as hard as all that!" Andrew exclaimed.

"The answer is here..." said Takyle.

"We just have to see it." Jaden finished. ~

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