Monday, February 25, 2008

Chapter 37: Topics for Discussion

~ Andrew coughed conspicuously.

"Want me to leave you alone with your thoughts there Jay, or are you going to answer my question?" Jaden blinked and looked at Andrew.

"Um, sorry?"

"We were talking about Takyle..." Andrew prompted patiently.

"Yeah, uh, can I ask you a question before I answer that?" Andrew raised a shoulder to demonstrate his ambivalence. Jaden continued. "Seeing as we're both getting paid by Takyle, why did you get to choose me as a third, instead of her finding someone she liked more?" Andrew gazed at Jaden for a moment.

"I knew Takyle for a while before you ever met her. We were both looking for the last part of our team, I met you, she trusted my judgment." Jaden was pretty sure Andrew was oversimplifying things, but decided to move on.

"Um ok, as I said, I think Takyle is nice. We mostly get along....Why do you want my opinion of her anyway?" Jaden demanded. Andrew grinned.

"I'm kinda into her."

"You kissed her," stated Jaden. Andrew's eyes sparkled with humor.

"So I did."

Jaden picked a damp leaf off the forest floor and began fiddling with it, slowly pulling it apart. Andrew watched him for a minute, then spoke up.

"I get the subtle feeling that you're not completely comfortable with that whole deal..."

"Huh, guess he did notice."

"I'm ok with it if it's something that you want Andy. I'm not your wife, you're allowed to have girlfriends."

"But...?" Andrew again prompted, leaning forward as if dying of suspense. Jaden thought about his response for a very long time, settled on saying what he felt, decided against it, then finally just spit it out before he could talk himself out of it.

"We'll still be friends right?"

"Well that didn't sound desperate at all," said his mind, sarcastically.

"Shut up," he told his mind.

"Of course we'll still be friends, you moron. What kind of a double crossing skirt-chaser do you take me for?" scolded Andrew. Jaden grinned, and he was pretty sure it looked sheepish. It felt sheepish.

"An ugly one?" Andrew responded by punching him in the arm, but not very hard, and getting up to go poke at one of his fires with a stick.

Everything was going to be ok.

At least, Jaden sincerely hoped so. ~

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