Monday, March 3, 2008

Chapter 39: Defense Mechanism

~ Jaden felt a stream of something warm slipping down his neck. He looked down and saw a dark stain spreading across the front of his shirt. He looked back up and Andrew's body was gone. His double glided around to stand in front of him. Jaden felt as if he were going to vomit, and he placed a hand on his stomach. His shirt, soaked to his navel, clung to his skin. He felt no pain though. He turned back to his doppelganger who was staring at him with cold hatred.

“What are you doing to me?”

“I'm not doing anything to you, young one, you've done this to yourself.”

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Jaden cried weakly. “I didn't do this.” He felt blood begin to seep down into his lungs, making it difficult to breathe. Choking him. Drowning him.

"Where's Takyle?" he gasped. His legs went weak and he felt himself collapsing, sinking to the ground. The other Jaden looked down on him without compassion. He shook his head.

"You can't help her. You couldn't help Andrew. I guess you just weren't strong enough, Jaden. Not good enough..."

"No...I couldn't do anything...please..." Dark fog pressed in all around Jaden and the world began slipping away.

"Just open your eyes," said his mind.

"It's no good. I'm dead. They're dead."

"Just do it." With the righteous indignation of the dying, Jaden forced himself to focus his remaining strength on that one task. His eyelids opened and through blurred vision he could barely make out the tree tops against bits of graying sky. A voice spoke.

"Good morning!"

Jaden jumped at the noise and leapt up. The wizard stood there in front of him. Jaden clutched at his shirt; it was dry. His hand flew to his throat and found it whole. He saw a circle of ash behind the wizard, and he jerked around to look at the rest of the clearing. Behind him stood Andrew, very much alive, with Takyle leaning against him, looking exhausted. Jaden pointed a finger at Väinämöinen's face.

"You! What did you do?" he shouted. Väinämöinen just gazed calmly back at him.

"I did nothing. Experiencing the spirit of reality puts you in a position to easier access your feelings, young one."

"Don't call me that! I thought you “weren't going to hurt me needlessly”!? What the fuck is wrong with you! How could you do that to me?" Andrew quickly strode over and grabbed Jaden by the arm.

"Jay! Calm down. What are you talking about? You've been here with me," he said, all the while pulling Jaden back from Väinämöinen.

"He did something to me! He made me think that you were dead and it was my fault and that a part of me wanted it that way! Then the evil me cut my throat and he let him do it!"

Andrew looked at Väinämöinen, as if for a confession.

"Perhaps you are confusing your own deep fears for something that I did, young one. I can assure you, I did not cause you to think anything," the wizard said. Jaden spun around to look at Takyle. She stood where Andrew had left her. She looked pale and drawn.

"Are you ok?" Jaden asked. She nodded. Jaden jerked his arm out of Andrew's grip. He felt like punching Väinämöinen in the face. Or killing him. He didn't though. He took a deep breath instead.

"What else do we have to do for you?" he demanded venomously. Väinämöinen suddenly looked tired and sad.

"Nothing. You have completed the task. Now I will bring you back to the shelter." He waived his staff without further ado, and just like that they were all back in the plain, white building. Väinämöinen dipped his staff towards the hearth and a crackling fire sprang up, a hot meal set before it. The wizard looked around the company and smiled.

"Your did well. I wish you the best on the remainder of your journey. Rest here as long as you like." Andrew and Takyle thanked him. Jaden maintained his angry silence. Väinämöinen beckoned to him.

"Young one, may I speak with you?" Jaden wanted to say no, but found himself walking over to the wizard anyway. He could feel Andrew and Takyle watching him. The wizard gazed on him for a moment. Or perhaps gazed into him would be more apt.

"I am sorry Jaden McAllister. I did not know that you carry such pain with you. Don't be afraid to search your soul. Pain doesn't last forever." He paused and smiled kindly. "You were correct after all, young one. You are very strong." Väinämöinen turned and opened the door. Jaden opened his mouth. Then closed it, then opened it again.

"Oh just say it for cryin' out loud!" his mind scolded.

"Väinämöinen?" he said quietly and the wizard turned around. Jaden cleared his throat.

"Um, thanks." ~


Anonymous said...

I really like the way in which this chapter resolved the last one... not too blunt, but instead with everything sort of falling into place. Keep 'em coming! :p

Anonymous said...

I agree. Really love it Renee.