Friday, June 13, 2008

Chapter 70: Innermost Desires

~ Much to Jaden's relief, the audience was finally hushed by the clipboard lady and they took on a collective air of expectancy. She showed them the prompts for "applause", "laugh", and "silence". They responded to the signs like so many trained seals. Good audience. Have a cookie.

A man who Jaden recognized as being the host of the show entered from the left side of the stage and began shaking hands with the members of Team 5. The man's name was Elwin Longtwig. Every time Jaden heard the name he fully expected it to be attached to an elf. Logic said that he must be human, but Elwin's hair was fashionably shaggy, effectively hiding the upper halves of his ears, so Jaden could never be one hundred percent sure.

Elwin crossed the stage and, starting with Takyle, shook all of their hands, introduced himself as the host, and wished them the best of luck. He then conferred with the lady with the clipboard and apparently it was decided that the time had come to start taping the show. He took his place in the middle of the stage and she ran around giving last minute instructions to people. She checked the stage one last time and then the cameras were rolling and the crowd was cheering heartily at the "applause" sign, throwing in some extra screams and whistles for kicks.

A camera on a dolly was pushed across the stage for a long panning shot ending with a close up of Elwin, who was giving a really dazzling example of the Game Show Host Grin.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to That Sounds About Right!" The audience once again erupted into applause. Elwin had some fans.

"Thank you for joining us again here tonight for another installment of our special series of EPICsodes!" Takyle shot Andrew and Jaden a look and rolled her eyes.

"Let's meet out two teams of contestants!" said Elwin with incredible perkiness, striding across the stage toward Team 6, never taking his eyes from the camera lens. "Here we have Team 6! Hello there!" Team 6 nodded back at him. He moved to the end of the counter, furthest from the audience and leaned over to offer his microphone to Takyle.

"Takyle Marianne Carlyle! Leader of Team 6 and also a private sponsor for your team." Takyle nodded her agreement to the statement. "You come from New York, as do both of the other members of your team actually, and you're currently working on a degree in business administration at the prestigious Frenner University." Elwin made a quick reference to the cards in his hands. "And if your team happens to be the winners in the EPIC Race, you will be splitting your winnings between the World Wildlife Fund and investing in your family's business."

"That's correct," said Takyle.

"Anyone you'd like to say hi to at home?" asked Elwin.

"Um, hi mom and dad." Takyle gave a vague wave at the camera.

"Fantastic, good luck!" chirped Elwin and moved down to Andrew.

"Andrew Allen Vienna, hello there."

"Hello," said Andrew, flashing Elwin, the camera, and the entire audience a quick, charming smile without looking awkward at all.

"Apparently, you spent the summer of your junior year in high school, all three months of it, surviving alone in the Appalachians! Is it true!?"

"Uh, yeah. I like to hike," said Andrew, casually.

"You'd have to!" The audience laughed good-naturedly on cue. "Did you learn anything from that experience, not all that long ago actually, that has helped you in the race?"

"Knowing how to bathe in streams is handy." More laughter.

"Alright then, it says here that should you win, your share of the prize money will go to paying off the student loans that you do have already, and paying the rest of the way through college. It would also be used to finance graduate studies at MIT."

"That's right. If they'll take me, that is." Third round of laughter.

"Great to meet you Andrew, best of luck with all of that!" Elwin flipped to his next card and moved down one last time to stand in front of Jaden.

Jaden's mind raced, wondering what the hell they would see fit to tell about his life? All the members of every team had been interviewed before the race, that's where this information was coming from. He tried to remember what he'd told the interviewer. Nothing that was very specific, surely.

"Hello Jaden Edward McAllister, how are you doing?"

"I'm well, thanks," said Jaden into the microphone, pleasantly surprised that his voice did not shake at all.

"According to what I have here, you are one of the youngest race contestants, having just recently graduated from your senior year in high school with honors. You're a bit of a history buff and you enjoy reading and spending time with friends." Oh yes, that was pretty vague.

"Yes, that's correct."

"Should your team win you would like to pay for a university degree with your share of the prize money, and also learn how to sail. A nautical buff as well then?" Oh yeah, and there was that detail.

"Um, yeah, kind of."

"Well that's just great; good luck to you!" Elwin crossed the stage, all the while talking to the camera. "And now to meet their rivals: Team 5!"

As the members of Team 5 were all introduced in much the same manner, Jaden felt his anger begin to doggedly creep back up inside him. He shoved it to the back of his mind. There was no time for that; he needed to concentrate. The excitement was about to begin. ~


Anonymous said...

Congrats both on 70 chapters and on being the first google hit for "knowing andrew" (with _and_ without quotes)!

Renee Leyburn said...

Haha, awesome! Now that's fame for ya!