Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 33: Modification

~ Jaden stumbled through the trees, trying his best to get used to his altered state. This time around he had not achieved what felt like total separation from his body. He was still tethered to it, in a weird, half ascended kind of way. He tried his best to ignore that and concentrate on what he was supposed to be following. The flashes and sparks continued in the distance, sporadically lighting the horizon of his scenical vision.

The aura had been easy to follow, it's soft glow giving out a constant and reassuring tug in the right direction. This time it was different. This time Jaden feared that he really was going to get lost or, worse yet, get them all killed.

Despite the pull of his body, the ungainliness of flesh only half controlled by mind, Jaden found himself once again caught up in the ecstasy of the experience. The strain of the exercise was more powerful than he'd initially thought though, and it wasn't terribly long before he collapsed back into his body. He opened his leaden eyelids to find himself supported on either side by his companions, who were speaking to him in urgent tones.

"I'm- I'm ok..." he managed to slur, before blacking out.

Jaden woke sometime later, confused as to why he was lying in the middle of a dark woods. He heard whispering and turned his head. Andrew knelt on the ground a few feet away, scratching something in the dirt by the light of a small torch that Takyle held above him.

"...I don't think we could make it back there even if we tried. We should probably-"

"He's moving, Andrew!" They both hurried over to Jaden as he started to sit up and Andrew roughly shoved him back into the damp loam.

"Lie still," he ordered.

"I'm fine-" Jaden started but Andrew interrupted him.

"Shh. We're trying to work out a way to get out of here alive. For a while there it seemed like that wasn't going to be an option for you."

"How long have I been out?" Jaden asked, raising his arm before he remembered that Väinämöinen had taken his watch.

"We think it's been about an hour or so," Takyle informed him.

"How far did we get?" he asked.

"Probably around a couple of miles."

"And the woods have just been getting darker and darker all the way, "Andrew added softly. "I don't think that this is the way we came in, Jay."

"It's probably not, but that doesn't mean it's the wrong way. Let's keep going." Jaden attempted to get up again but Andrew planted a hand on his shoulder and didn't budge.

"I don't think so Jay. Whatever it was you were doing before was a) creepy as hell, and b) apparently bad for you, as you seemed like you were going to die and all."

"I'm fine! Just needed a rest apparently," Jaden protested.

"Jaden," Takyle began softly. "You don't seem to understand. You completely collapsed. Your heart rate was so fast I thought you were having an attack. You just about stopped breathing. We have next to nothing out here with us. There was nothing we could do for you."

"I appreciate the situation," said Jaden. "But nothing needed to be done for me. I'm fine now." He tried one more time to get up, and this time Andrew let him. "I'll be more careful this time and come down before it goes that far." Andrew and Takyle looked at one another. Takyle spoke.

"No Jaden. I know this race is about risk, but we're not going to do that. There's either another way or...well...We'll lose."

Jaden felt anger wash through his body. The voice of logic murmured in his head.

"They have a point you know. It's not worth your life."

"It wouldn't cost my life, and besides I want to win!"

"Not worth it."

He looked at Andrew. Andrew gazed seriously back at him. He obviously agreed with Takyle.

"You guys are insane!" he spat. "We're going to lose because of this! I am fine!"

Andrew shook his head.

"We've made our decision Jay. Winning this is not worth losing you. To either of us."

Jaden glared at Andrew.

"Aww, they do like me!" said his mind. He looked at Takyle. There, with the shadows shrouding her face, she looked exotic, ethereal. Still determined though. His face softened.

"Ok. I- I'm sorry. If you guys are that serious about this. Let's look for another way." Andrew grinned at him.

"That's more like it!" He slapped Jaden roughly and congenially on the back. "Come take a look at this little map I've been trying to draw up." ~


Renee Leyburn said...

*Really* like this new chapter personally. :)

Anonymous said...

Of all places, you had to stop here?! D: Hurry up and finish the next chapter!