Friday, November 30, 2007

Chapter 12: Water Works

~ Jaden lay on the rock shelf, propped against the wall, gasping, occasionally choking up a bit more liquid for kicks. He kept a close eye on the rushing water to make sure it wasn't rising anymore. He felt that his paranoia was not only justified, but extremely well placed. So much for a simple solution.

Neither Andrew nor Takyle had spoken yet, Andrew seemed to be taking stock of their current situation though. All three miraculously still had their packs on, water logged as they were. Patting himself down Jaden found that he was missing his pocket knife and a pen, the only things on his person that had not been secured. He looked around the chamber. Water covered everything. The entrance doorway and the two springs that they had themselves released from the rock were immersed. Takyle scooted to the edge and looked over.

"Uh, guys...You're gonna love this, I think we may be on top of the exit." Andrew lay on his belly and hung over the ledge to get a better look. Jaden grabbed his legs protectively to steady him. That was all he needed, for Andrew to go and get himself killed falling in again.

"What do you see Andy?" Andrew's response was succinct if not genteel.

"I see the top of the fracking door! Damnit all to hell!" He pulled himself back up. He looked...disappointed and angry. Jaden felt like he should say something. He just couldn't think of anything.

"This is a ledge above the door. I can see about 4 inches of it that are not under water." Andrew's voice was flat and cold. Takyle sighed.

"It just couldn't be as simple as us almost dying and then moving on could it? For cryin' out loud!"

Jaden finally thought of something to say.

"Maybe it's not supposed to be this hard. Did we do something wrong?" For a minute Takyle looked at him like he was crazy, and then she nodded.

"I suppose that's possible. Even so, this shouldn't be a dead end. You're supposed to be able to get through no matter what strategy you take as long as you keep from dying. And we're not dead."

"Yeah," Andrew cut in. "But I don't see any other doors do you?" Silence settled around them. Jaden shivered.

"Maybe...Maybe we're supposed to open this one," he offered reluctantly. Simply thinking about the possibility that he'd have to get back in the water definitely rubbed him the wrong way. Andrew adopted his grim determination face.

"I'll get down there and take a look. Maybe it can be opened." Jaden felt like he should volunteer himself to go instead. Dread washed over him. He began to open his mouth but stopped when he saw the look that Andrew was giving him. It was the big brotherly sit-down-and-shut-up-while-I-do-this-thing-for-us look. Jaden did. Gratefully.

Takyle hauled her sodden rappelling gear out of her bag and drove an anchor hook into the granite while Andrew silently donned the harness. It was better than nothing as far as safety went.

Without a word he dived back into the water. ~

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