Monday, December 3, 2007

Chapter 13: Desperation

~ Just as Andrew disappeared beneath the water Jaden felt a stab of panic. He smothered it quickly, before Takyle could notice, regulating his breathing carefully to keep it normal. From where she sat feeding rope through the anchor hook, she couldn't see over the edge of the rock like he could. She could hear what came next just fine though.

There was a muffled thump and a louder rushing noise as Jaden saw a funnel forming on the surface of the water. The rope dangling over the ledge went suddenly taut and began whipping through Takyle's hands. No thought in his mind Jaden lunged for the rope. Frantically gripping it, trying to at least slow it. It burned his hands but he was able to finally stop it. Takyle regained a handhold and together they began hauling back. The pull on the thing was tremendous. Jaden thought that if Andrew was still on the other end then the pressure must surely be killing him. Not that there were a lot of other courses of action available to them.

They gained another foot and Jaden noticed that the rope in his hands was wet. They must be making progress then. Suddenly the pressure lessened and there was nothing but dead weight on the line. Whatever was on the end of it, and Jaden was frightened to look lest it not be Andrew, had broken the surface of the water and escaped the down drag.

"Jaden, have you got it?" Takyle screamed at him breathlessly. He nodded without a word and she released her grip. The extra weight made the rope slip a couple of inches through Jaden's hands, but he acclimated and recovered it fast enough. Takyle scrambled to the edge.

"He's unconscious Jaden! Oh, I can't reach him, bring him higher!" Jaden hauled on the rope with all his might and Takyle finally was able to pull Andrew's limp body back up onto their tiny ledge.

"Andrew! Andrew can you hear me?" Takyle's voice broke as she lowered her face to Andrew's, now horrifically pale, to see if he was breathing. Jaden grabbed one of his wrists and felt for a pulse. It was there. Weak, but definitely there. Takyle looked up at him and he thought that her eyes looked wet.

"He's still breathing."

"Turn his head, he might have water in his throat!" Jaden ordered. A low moan came from Andrew's mouth and his head turned of its own volition. Jaden scrambled to his head.

"Andy! Andy? Can you hear me?" Andrew drew one gasping breath and then his eyes cracked open. He choked once.

"Yes I can hear you. Who couldn't?" Takyle collapsed back on her heels.

"Oh thank God!"

Andrew sat up rubbing a growing knot on his forehead.

"What the hell happened?" He asked groggily. "Last thing I remember is unlatching the door and it went banging open and then the water started rushing through...I must have been slammed against the frame..." He looked at Takyle, as if for confirmation.

"We pulled you up," she said weakly.


While both of his friends sat there silently, contemplating life he figured, Jaden pulled out his med kit and began preparing an ointment and bandages for Takyle's badly rope burned hands. His own hands shook just a little. Apparently his panic had been warranted after all. He could have done without those 45 seconds of sheer, unadulterated terror to validate it to him though. ~

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