Monday, August 18, 2008

Chapter 89: Overpowering Logic

~ "Ok, I'm not going to try anything, I swear," said Andrew, standing frozen with the barrel of a rifle jammed in his back.

"You bet you're not!" the man behind him fumed, pressing his sleeve to his nose to try and staunch the blood flow. "Just give me a reason..."

"See if they've got any cable ties on them," ordered the fourth man, though Jaden noticed that he kept his distance. He looked ready to make a break for it if Andrew went ballistic again.

Jaden heard an outer pocket of his pack being unzipped and the man holding him rummaged around in it.

"He's got some."

"Take off their packs and tie them up. All of them. Now," the fourth man said, very conspicuously not offering to help.

"Don't move unless you want to have your head blown off," Jaden's captor hissed at him as he released him momentarily in order to wrestle his pack off; dropping it to the ground and immediately slipping one of the thin strips of plastic around Jaden's wrists and pulling it tighter than was really necessary. That done he pulled Jaden with him over to Takyle and her escort to repeat the process. Once that man had Takyle's hands firmly bound, he tossed the small bundle of ties to the man behind Andrew. He caught them with one hand, still holding his gun to Andrew's back with the other.

"Here," he said, smacking Andrew's arm with the ties. "Put one of these over your wrists behind your back."

Andrew did as directed, making one of the cable ties into a loose circle and slipping his hands through it, carefully avoiding any sudden movements. Once it was on, the man grabbed the tail of the zip tie and jerked it tight. He then lowered his gun long enough to take a second tie and add it on top of the first, just for good measure.

"Alright, get them out of here and into the cells," barked the fourth man and the three others shoved the members of Team 6 out of the stone room and into a damp, narrow hallway. As they were escorted past the iron doorway the fourth man tied a thick blindfold around their eyes. Just before the strip of cloth was placed on his face, Jaden manged to shoot one more look back at Takyle. She firmly shook her head.

No more trying to fight back.

As he was shoved down the hall Jaden tried to keep track of his footsteps. It felt as if the path was curving slightly to the left, but he was fairly sure that it had to be his imagination. The brief look he'd be able to take before being blindfolded had revealed a long straight passage.

After two hundred some steps he was turned to the right and he heard a door open.

"We're going down stairs," his captor informed him gruffly, immediately shoving him forward off of the first one. Jaden felt his stomach jump at the split second sensation of falling, but quickly regained his balance and felt carefully for the next step, counting silently to himself. Ahead and behind him he could hear people moving and he hoped that he was still with Andrew and Takyle.

"I'll be ok, just as long as I'm not alone." ~

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